Soil for the future: the value of fields

Soil for the future: the value of fields

workshop | friday, 26.02.2021 | 15:45 – 17:15 (Notice: no more spots bookable)

In the Ruhr region, many tend to assume industrial legacies, but there are also many valuable agriculturally and natural areas. These not only contribute to our regional food supply, but are also an important and also sensitive part of an ecosystem that is also important for urban areas and a valuable resource. How can we protect urban soils, practice agriculture, produce food sustainably and thus also make an important contribution to biodiversity, climate protection and soil conservation?

To answer these questions, we need to recognise the value of our soils, find new ways of farming that protect and enhance our soil and nature as a result. How can these soils make the best possible contribution to a green and sustainable city of the future?

Following inputs from experts, we will work together on specific questions and discuss the results.

with. among others:
Christina Ufer from Emscher Wassertechnik GmbH
Elmar and Miriam Schulte Tigges from the Schulte-Tigges learning farm
Azadeh Farajpour Javazmi from the Research Institute for Application-Oriented Knowledge Processing, Ulm
Tobias Paulert from Ackerhelden

(Notice: no more spots bookable)

Photo: Elmar Schulte-Tigges/Solawi Kümper Heide


About the 1st Festival of Landscape

Curtain up for the first digital laboratory of landscape in the Metropole Ruhr: on 26 and 27 February, city makers, landscape designers, planners, activists and scientists will meet online to discuss and create joint visions for nature, landscape and green infrastructure in our region.




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