The Nature Of Cities Festival (TNOC)
5 days, 12 languages, over 100 programme items covering all regional time zones: The international The Nature Of Cities Festival (TNOC) offers a superlative programme on the theme of “Better Cities for Nature and People”, and in doing so examines the future-oriented aspects of urban development – thus dedicating itself globally to the topics that our Festival of Landscape discusses locally in relation to the Metropole Ruhr.
That’s why TNOC and lala.ruhr are cooperating: the festival starts as early as Monday, 22 February, and runs until Friday, 26 February. Friends of lala.ruhr can register for free! Just send an email to “kontakt@lala.ruhr” and we will send you the registration data!
The wish of the organisers’ team, whose members come from various international non-profit organisations: “Join a diverse international community of urban thinkers to reimagine our cities today and build the cities of tomorrow. Listen to inspiring keynotes and participate in plenary dialogues. Take an excursion and visit Mumbai in the morning and return to Paris by nightfall”. Or even to the Metropole Ruhr – because when TNOC ends next Friday, 26.02, our digital laboratory of the landscape will start!