workshop | friday, 26.02.2021 | 13:30 – 12:00 | 17:30 – 18:00
What now? Wanted: A new narrative for the Ruhr region
How do you explain to a Bavarian what the Ruhr feels like? What should a Berliner think of when she hears Metropole Ruhr? What unites all the Ruhris between Castrop and Hochfeld?
There are plenty of narratives about the Ruhr area – most of them tell of the past. What forward-looking narratives should the Ruhr area shape about itself in the coming decades? The discussion is in full swing. This workshop is a cheeky attempt to develop a cooperative overview in two days: We want to collect, discuss, sort and illustrate together. Of course, we are particularly interested in green narratives about the Ruhr region. Everyone is an expert in this field, because we all use narratives about the Ruhr area all the time – we invite you to join us!
There are two ways to participate in this workshop:
Link leads to the platform (no registration necessary). Use on PC/laptop with mouse (not touchpad) is strongly recommended.
Curtain up for the first digital laboratory of landscape in the Metropole Ruhr: on 26 and 27 February, city makers, landscape designers, planners, activists and scientists will meet online to discuss and create joint visions for nature, landscape and green infrastructure in our region.