program | saturday, 27.02.2021 | 10:00 – 12:00
You have an idea and don’t really know what to do? You want to make a difference but don’t want to pay too much for it? For you, profit cannot only be measured in money? Then you’ve come to the right place. Together with Daniel Bartel from SEND (Social Entrepreneurship Netzwerk Deutschland, Regionalgruppe NRW) your ideas will get legs and wings in this workshop.
About the workshop leader: Daniel Bartel is a bridge builder between reality and a common good-oriented future, social innovator and NewWork pioneer make it – a network of 100 founders that has already inspired over 500 start-up teams of established companies worldwide. Daniel has published three books, is a changemaker dealing with the essential questions of responsible business models in a digitalised society and is the organiser of Unfuck Düsseldorf. He was recently voted one of the “Top 40 under 40 – Macherinnen und Macher im Rheinland”.
Curtain up for the first digital laboratory of landscape in the Metropole Ruhr: on 26 and 27 February, city makers, landscape designers, planners, activists and scientists will meet online to discuss and create joint visions for nature, landscape and green infrastructure in our region.