workshop | saturday, 27.02.2021 | 10:00 – 12:00
Can a cycling infrastructure become more than just an offer for a part of the road users? How does it become part of the Green Infrastructure? Does more space for cycling always mean taking something away from others? Or can’t we give more quality of life back to everyone by reallocating road space? How do we successfully communicate the reallocation and upgrading of road space with all city residents and users?
The workshop is looking for answers to how a redistribution of road space can be successfully communicated using cycling as a concrete example. In addition to the administration, residents, politicians and citizens’ initiatives are also invited to participate so that we can all pull together in the transformation of urban space.
Curtain up for the first digital laboratory of landscape in the Metropole Ruhr: on 26 and 27 February, city makers, landscape designers, planners, activists and scientists will meet online to discuss and create joint visions for nature, landscape and green infrastructure in our region.