workshop | saturday, 27.02.2021 | 13:00 – 14:15 uhr (Notice: no more spots bookable)
How do we want to deal with the landscape in the Ruhr region? Against the backdrop of interventions in nature, eco-accounts and the balancing act between adequate compensation areas and a shortage of land, a “standardised” landscape is emerging with the landscape in the Ruhr region. In the workshop, we will talk to Frank Bothmann from the Ruhr Regional Association and Ilka Mecklenbrauck from the TU Dortmund University, draw positive pictures of the future and discuss creative settlement planning, innovative design ideas for compensation areas and integrative care approaches for our landscape.
Notice: no more spots bookable
Photo: Ravi Sejk
Curtain up for the first digital laboratory of landscape in the Metropole Ruhr: on 26 and 27 February, city makers, landscape designers, planners, activists and scientists will meet online to discuss and create joint visions for nature, landscape and green infrastructure in our region.